TACE Theatre Architecture in Central Europe
Projektleitung: PhDR. Ondrej Cerny, Národni Divadlo, Ostrovni 1, 11230 Prague
Austrian Delegate: A.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Brigitte Marschall (TFM Universität Wien)
Laufzeit: 2009–2011
Projektpartner: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency vertreten durch die Commission of the European Communities on 20.12.2007, CCEA Center for central European Architecture, Prague
Fördergeber: European Union Culture 2000 Program
About the project:
The Concept of project and book is–after the introduction of the editors– to commission a text about the Central European identity in six historical overviews about the architecture of theatre buildings of the countries Austria, Hungary, former Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, followed by nine entries for each country, giving a historical, social, culture and theatre context of the theatre architecture.